Business articles

Artykuły informacyjne, opisowe, prezentujące ciekawostki i przydatne wiadomości dla przedsiębiorców oraz pracowników

8 March 2024

10 Reasons Money Is Leaving Your Business

Money can flee your business for many reasons, including inefficient inventory management, late payments from customers, pricing errors, and lack of budget planning.
February 6, 2024

Virtual Office, let's go through the changes in Estonian CIT together

The new regulations have resolved many doubts related to the application of the flat-rate tax to corporate income. Take advantage of the services of a virtual office in Krakow, which offers comprehensive support for businesses without the need for expensive rental
23 January 2024

Virtual office in Krakow guarantees reliability and professionalism. How to effectively check the credibility of potential business partners?

Do you have a potential business partnership in mind? Or maybe you are interested in comparing yourself to the competition, checking the effectiveness of other companies' activities or development opportunities, e.g. by purchasing an existing business? […]
December 11, 2023

Remote work - new regulations - virtual office

Virtual office is an innovative solution for the modern business world. It provides flexibility, allowing you to work from anywhere in the world. Virtual office provides comprehensive administrative support and infrastructure, integrating technology with efficiency. It is an ideal option for mobile professionals, enabling efficient work organization without geographical limitations.
27 March 2023

PKD codes - without them you won't be able to register a company

PKD codes - without them you will not register a company. When starting a new business, choosing the right PKD codes is very important
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