We support business

Prestigious address for business registration Your address for company registration in Krakow. We offer professional correspondence service and a registration address in the city center

Virtual Office Krakow - we support you in business

18 October 2024

CEIDG – what is the Central Registration and Information on Economic Activity and what is it for?

CEIDG - Central Registration and Information on Economic Activity is a system that has been operating in Poland since 2011
9 October 2024

Stamp – does every entrepreneur have to use it?

The change in the context of digitalization includes the gradual phasing out of traditional office tools, such as stamps, in favor of modern, digital solutions that streamline and speed up administrative processes.
7 October 2024

Four-day work week

The four-day workweek is a model that shortens the workweek from five to four days without reducing pay. It aims to improve productivity and work-life balance. More and more companies are testing it, although the implementation brings some operational challenges.
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